Saturday, March 1, 2014

We are all Blessed with the Right to LIfe, & Freedom of Choice in our Lives.  Free Will!

It begins with the Choices & Preferences we all Choose on a Daily Basis that make up the Short Time we have on Earth until the next Stage of existence.

Where do we Receive our Energy?  What type of Energy do we have to Share?  What does it Attract

We are ALL struggling with Good and Evil.  Every soul is wants to Thrive.  We're responsible for the influences we choose and whether we go in a healthy or destructive direction along our Way.  I would consider a person "good" when they devote their lives to humanity, but it is possible to choose to live a good life for most.  Everyone has to cultivate a level of trust & respect mutually on an individual basis throughout their own lifetime. 

Are you really being a "good person", or is most of your life spent only "seeming" like one?  What do you consider living a good life?  

What is it that you "Expect" from others outside of mutual Respect, Acknowledgement of Who you are & What you have Done?  What are you GIVING others to Acknowledge? 

Are you Disgruntled when others are not giving you the level of Respect, or the "Worship" that someone would actually give to God, or a Divine Being because you are not happy enough with the life that you have chosen to live, or the energy that you have chosen to have in your life "compared" to others?  

What Responsibility are We taking for our exchange of energy with others along the way of life?  Are we expecting others to read our minds without having to Communicate? 

What have you decided to include in your life?  What did you decide to participate in?  What are you collaborating with?  How have you chosen to spend your Time?  What have you chosen to be the most important to Focus on?

What are our expectations about our lives, the World around us, and the future?  Are they realistic?  Have we earned, or played any responsible role in what we think we "deserve"?  Are we doing what is required?   Are we playing our own part in our own roles in Society & in our own roles in our OWN personal lives? 

Where do we get our Strengths?  What are our Weaknesses or Limitations?  How do we strengthen ourselves or become immune to destructive energies around us?  How do we Protect ourselves & our loved ones as much as we can withing Human Limits?  

How do we Choose to Recharge?  Are you getting the cycle of energy & rest that you are responsible for taking care of yourself?  Are you taking time to collect your own thoughts?  Are you vacationing enough, or taking enough of a break from stress or chaos?  

Are you asking for support, appreciating support and playing the role in the solutions to your own problems?

Are we expecting others to Take responsibility  FOR us instead of playing our own responsible roles, and just asking for support when we know better, and there may be others less capable need more help?  

Are we doing what we can?  Are we appreciative enough?  Are we reciprocating, or returning enough?

What exactly IS it that you Care about in Life?  Are you playing a role in or being responsible for those aspects of your life enough?  Is there enough open communication and understanding?

Most People really do care about the general population in the form of Social Conscience.  They generally do not like seeing things happen to others.  However, YOU have the responsible role in not putting others at risk, exchanging negative energy or disgruntlement when others also have free will & freedom of choice as well.  There has to at least be mutual respect if you expect others to care.  No one is obligated to agree - and we all have freedom of association.


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